Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Tag: anxiety
Are You Being Being Triggered?
Are You Triggered by the News? The issue of sexual assault and trauma has been prominent in the news the past two weeks with the Kavanaugh hearings. Even those who…
The Competency Continuum*
Note: This blog is a good complement to my April 2018 Blog on Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset. The Competency Continuum is a four-part model outlining the stages of learning.…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
The theme for Mental Health Awareness month this year is “Cure the Stigma.” I am offering up to 10 free depression and anxiety screenings to people during the month of…
Hello, welcome to my website. If you’re here, I imagine you have some questions about what I do and if I might be able to help. Maybe you’re struggling with…