Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.
Challenge to a Skeptic
I tend to be a skeptic. In fact, I’m even skeptical of some of the things I believe in. Rather than take someone else’s word for something, I want to check things out for myself. In 2016 when I was taking my six month PolyVagal training, we watched a video of Dr. Andrew Weil demonstrating the 4-7-8 Breath technique. He said if we practiced it faithfully twice a day for two or three months, we might notice a difference in our sleep, digestion, and anxiety level.
I decided to take him up on it. I had been trying this 4-7-8 Breath off and on since graduate school, but I was never consistent and gave up quickly. But I’ve learned a lot as a therapist over the years, and decided to take my own advice. I made a commitment to follow the directions diligently, keep going if I got discouraged and remind myself the more I practiced, the easier it would become. I kept going and it did get easier. After about six weeks I was sleeping better, I was less stressed, and I was making decisions in a more mindful way. I am still doing the 4-7-8 Breath almost two years later. On those days when things feel off for me, I often think back and realize I forgot to practice the breath. Then I sit down and do it.
So now I am going to challenge you to check out the Youtube video and give it a shot. You have nothing to lose because if you stick with it for a few months you may notice some changes for the better. And if not, at least you will be able to say, “Humph, I told you so,” and what skeptic doesn’t like to say that? I’m guessing there is a good chance you won’t, but I respect that not everything works for everyone.